Imagine, just for Today, that you are one with God. It doesn’t matter what name you use or even if you don’t believe in God, as long as You believe in Yourself. You see God is Universal, God is the Universe, God is Lighand Love. When you truly believe in who you are and what you are here to do, then it doesn’t matter about the world outside of yourself. Holding Peace within your heart, your soul is where Love truly begins. If you do not like who you are, how can you expect others to like you. So many people make the mistake of trying to be and do what others do so that they will be liked. It has no bearing on your life whether someone likes or dislikes you, it only matters that you do. I say like because people feel that it is narcacistic to love yourself. It is not wrong to love who you truly are, not what you show the world, but you true essence. When you reach the place where you live yourself totally then you are one with the Universal law of love and so one with all beings.
So Just for Today, let go of try to please others and be You. Start small, do something today that you have always wanted to do, even if it’s just to ride a bike. There are so many small things that people take for granted. Let Today be the beginning of a New era in your life. You will find that one you are happy within then you attract like people to you, and never have to be what you are not. It may seem awkward to you or you just can’t believe that it is as simple as loving yourself. Today and everyday is a New Beginnig, You are the one who makes the first step in the direction you want move through. Live it and Love it Now!
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