Archives for posts with tag: positive

When everything seems to be going haywire, stay Positive. Your phone dies, you miss the train, you lose your job, stay Positive. Whatever happen in you life happens for a reason, nothing is a mistake. You lose your job and you are unhappy about no longer having an income coming in, but we’re you happy at your job? In many cases the answer is No, but you stay because you have bills to pay and a life to live. How can you live a happy life when you dread going to work, you can’t. Remember when you were a child and you dropped your cookie on the floor, all you did was pick it up and eat it, if your parent didn’t stop you first.
Now is the time to step out of your fear of the unknown and be you. By staying positive, no matter what is going on around you, you are moving closer to bring your dreams to fruition. We All deserve the best, no matter what others say. If you want to start your own business and you have the passion for your work, Do It! If you need more business knowledge, go and get it, study. Don’t let the words of others stop you from being who you truly are. Only you can make or break You, no one else can. Forget about the nay sayers and let your inner child come out to play. You knew what you wanted to be when you were a child and others killed your passion. Bring it back, let it out and never stop dreaming. Show the others who are afraid of the own shadow that it can be done. Maybe they will follow their own dreams too.
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and more.


Throughout each day you have many thoughts, how many do you control? We have millions of thoughts, some that pass by so quickly that you don’t even acknowledge them. This is why you need to change your thoughts. Our thoughts govern our actions. Once you truly understand this it will be easier to make it happen. For example, if you are going for an interview or out to dinner, and you have never been there before, you will have to think about how to get there. You get the address, go to a map and figure out how long it will take you to get there. This all needs to be thought out and while you are working on this, other thoughts are coming and going, like ‘will I get this job’ or ‘will they like me’. When you are living a positive life you may not even have these kinds of thoughts as you have total confidence in yourself, however negative living brings negative thoughts and so negative actions. People who blame others for their lack or bad luck in their lives are negative thinkers, they only see that everyone is out to get them. they do not see that they are a wonderful person who has so much love to share. Loving people live positive lives, they know that there is always something good that will come out of any situation, no matter how bad it may look at the time.

No one has a perfect life, we all make mistakes now and then, so STOP belittling yourself when something goes awry. Change your negative thinking to positive thinking and you will not have to worry about what can go wrong, but only think of what is going right. Live in the moment so that you can enjoy your life and not sit worrying about what is going to happen next. So many people waste their lives worrying about what is going to go wrong or will I get the job, or will I ever get married, will anyone ever love me. These thoughts only bring what you don’t want, if you want to be loved, love yourself first. The more you show yourself love the better your life will be. If you cannot love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to love you. You should always come first in your life, even if you have children, remember what they say on flights ‘put your mask on before helping your child’. If you cannot breathe, how can you help anyone else. You must keep this in mind.

Today change your thoughts to that of Love and acceptance of who you are.


Today is May 5 or 5/5- 2014. The number 5 is a number of change, so I have decided to use this week as a week of change. We can all change what we don’t like about our lives, jobs or within ourselves. This biggest part if change is being willing to step out if your comfort zone and do what really scares you. Just like the pheonix dies and is reborn from the same ashes, this is a week of change. Spring is here and we are changing from winter to happy outdoor life again. The flowers are beginning to bloom as the buds start sprouting. You too can make the change along with nature, as it is natural to change. Nothing ever stays the same, we grow everyday as do trees, flowers and the universe. Realize that we are all one, birthed from ubiquitous love. Knowing this and knowing that it is okay to change, and not be what others think you should always be, is a blessing to you. Believe that you can be whatever you want to be, know it, think it and feel it. This will all help to make the change manifest. Don’t let the negative words of others bring you back to your old self, which is what you want to change. Remember, only You can make it happen, only You can be the change you seek. You may not know exactly what it is you are looking for, but you know you want something else for yourself. Step into the new You and love the experience, even if there are mistakes on the way. These stumbles along the way are the lessons that make you stronger. Make a change, no matter how big or small Every Day this week. Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and more.


Although it may be cold in some areas, try and get outside and take in nature. If you have plants in your home you can so this too. Think of it this way, when you put a seed in te ground or in a plant pot, you hope it will grow. However the plant knows it will grow, and if it’s outside in the earth, it knows it will thrive. Should you plant it in a pot, it knows you will take care of it. This plant never says ‘I won’t grow or I can’t grow’, it knows it will. That is why you should be one with nature and take on it thoughts. Know that you can do anything, have anything, and be whatever you want. No second guessing yourself, believe! Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and more.


I read today’s law of attraction card and felt I had to share. It completely falls in line with the inspiration message I posted earlier. I saw this after I posted it. There is a connection to everything we do, think and say. Be careful how you use your thoughts an words. Be gentle with yourself, whether you are a man or woman, it doesn’t matter. Strength and power come from within, not in your muscles. Stay the course and you will become stronger. Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and more.


Hold the intention of being a winner in your heart. Knowing that, it doesn’t matter how long it takes, you know you will succeed. We are here to fulfill our lives to the fullest, don’t hold back. Remember, the only person you hurt is you when you lose faith in yourself. Have the courage to step out of you comfort zone to grab your dream. It’s right there waiting for you, believe you can do anything and the dream becomes reality. No one can take it away from you. Stay strong and hold positive thoughts and actions to the forefront. Don’t let the negative words or actions of others deter you. You can do it! Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and more.


Today, think bigger and dream bigger than you ever have. By changing the way you think you can change your life. Only you keep yourself in one place, no one else can do that only You. So if you don’t like where you are, and you don’t like what you have, and you don’t like what you see… Change it! Change your thoughts, every one of them. From the time you wake to the time you go back to sleep, keep your thoughts positive. If any negative thought tries to come in, push it out by thinking of something that brings a smile to your face. Do this and you will see how much happier and peaceful you feel within. This I where everything comes from, positive thoughts brings positive actions. Positive actions brings abundant lives. Sitting there telling yourself you can’t do it will bring only what you expect, nothing. Bring the happiness from within to your outer world, no matter what’s going on around you. Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and much more.


An awesome card to receive for this time of year. Hold your intentions to the forefront of your thoughts. By doing this you will not be deterred by others who say it cannot be done. You have to believe in your dream and what you can do. It doesn’t matter if no one else believes in you or that you can do it. Instead of making a resolution to change, hold the Intention of change an with that intention, know that it has already occurred. Carry yourself as if you have already accomplished your change, success or whatever you want to happen. No one else can do it for you, only you can. Do not blame other when it is not working, stop, take a step back, and look at your thoughts. Remember, you cannot say one thing and think another, they must be in sync with each other. Think positive and speak positive, do not only speak positive and think negative as there will be no movement at all, in fact you may make things go backward. Stop the negative thinking by being happy thoughts in and starting from there. It always helps to clear the mind of the negative thoughts with happy memories, even if thy are small ones. Dream big! Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and more.


Many times we sit there worrying about what to do next or how we can make something happen. Stop! Take a step back or away from the situation. Look at it from a different prospective and use positive words, affirmations to help you see that it is possible. It may sound way out there to some people, but once you try it and see that it works, you will never think of it that way again. Positive thoughts and actions always manifests what you want. You cannot just think positive and hope it will happen, you must have action too. One without the other will not work. Have an awesome day of positive energy. Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for inspiration and much more!


Focus on the good in your life, the ego likes you to see only the bad and in so doing, helps you to stay in that negative frame of mind. By turning on the light within, which is your spirit, your spirit sees the positive to whatever is happening. Keeping at a higher and more positive place within aids you in seeing the path clearer. This is what we all want, but our ego likes to push ahead so we only see what is wrong in our lives. Focus on what you are learning from each experience to see where you need to go next. Positive energy brings positive experiences. Namaste
Visit Holistic Blessings of Love for more inspiration!
