In thinking that something is going to happen, good or bad, you call it into your life. Many people don’t believe that, they say that whatever happens just happens and that people have good or bad luck. Which would like to be, the person with good or bad luck? I know, everyone wants good luck and why not, you deserve it. So if this is the case, stop thinking of all the things that can possibly go wrong. Stay positive about everything and I do mean Everything that happens in your life. If you lose your job, think about if you liked it or not. If you were not happy there and you stayed just for the paycheck then you losing the job is a blessing. This pushes you to find something that you really want to do. However, if you just take the first job that comes along, even if it’s not what you want, then you will be unhappy again and will lose that one too. You must have faith in yourself that you can have everything that you want. The law of attraction says that whatever you think about comes to you. Now sitting day in and day out thinking about what you want won’t get you anything. Thinking about what you want and then putting action to it will. Trust that if you can think it, you can make it happen. Think bad about all the inventions that have occurred, they all came from a thought and then and action. Get up, get going and make it happen for you. Don’t do it for anyone else as it will not make you happy. Anything that you want is possible, even the word impossible says ‘I’m-possible. Make your life worth living and do it now, today, start the thought process churning and bring it to fruition through action. You Can Do It!
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