Today is May 5 or 5/5- 2014. The number 5 is a number of change, so I have decided to use this week as a week of change. We can all change what we don’t like about our lives, jobs or within ourselves. This biggest part if change is being willing to step out if your comfort zone and do what really scares you. Just like the pheonix dies and is reborn from the same ashes, this is a week of change. Spring is here and we are changing from winter to happy outdoor life again. The flowers are beginning to bloom as the buds start sprouting. You too can make the change along with nature, as it is natural to change. Nothing ever stays the same, we grow everyday as do trees, flowers and the universe. Realize that we are all one, birthed from ubiquitous love. Knowing this and knowing that it is okay to change, and not be what others think you should always be, is a blessing to you. Believe that you can be whatever you want to be, know it, think it and feel it. This will all help to make the change manifest. Don’t let the negative words of others bring you back to your old self, which is what you want to change. Remember, only You can make it happen, only You can be the change you seek. You may not know exactly what it is you are looking for, but you know you want something else for yourself. Step into the new You and love the experience, even if there are mistakes on the way. These stumbles along the way are the lessons that make you stronger. Make a change, no matter how big or small Every Day this week. Namaste
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